About Advanced Practice Provider Membership

Members & Publications


AAPM&R is happy to welcome Advanced Practice Providers (APPs) into membership with the Academy. The following page outlines information about this newly-created membership category, which became available in 2019.

As an APP member, you receive access to our Member Directory, discounts on in-person and online education, access to the All APP Member Forum and Member Communities on PhyzForum. You also receive print and digital communications, including PM&R (the purple journal), The Physiatrist, and Connection.

How to Join AAPM&R

APPs are required to attest and provide a Fellow, Part-Time Fellow or Associate AAPM&R member sponsor name as part of their application. The sponsoring member will be required to confirm he/she works with the APP on an integrated rehabilitation team. Learn more about the sponsorship.


As a new membership category, we recognize there may be lots of questions physiatrists and APPs have. Check out our list of Frequently Asked Questions. If you're question isn't answered after reading this list, please email memberservices@aapmr.org. We would be happy to assist you!

Defining Advanced Practice Provider

Per the AAPM&R membership bylaws:

An Advanced Practice Provider must be a Physician Assistant or Nurse Practitioner eligible for membership in their professional discipline’s national association. Advanced Practice Providers shall have recognized education or licensure/certification, or formal appointment relevant and customary for the professional type. For the purposes of this Section A.12, the Academy’s Membership Committee shall determine in its sole discretion what constitutes a “a physician assistant or nurse practitioner.”

Click here to read AAPM&R's Position on Advancing Physiatric-led Team Care Through Collaboration and Community.

The Role of an APP in Practice: The Position of AAPM&R

Our position is that APPs should not practice rehab independently, but instead work within a rehab team under the leadership of a PM&R physician. Click below to read our formal position: The Role of the Advanced Practice Provider in Rehabilitation Care.