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What’s New at the 2017 Annual Assembly?

Feb 15, 2017

We’ll be Thriving through Transformation in Denver this year! We’re shaking things up a bit at the Annual Assembly. In response to your feedback, we’re moving away from the traditional “track” system toward a more flexible “tagging” system. All sessions will be tagged with an overall theme as well as any relevant topics.

We’ll also be transitioning from the workshop format to an increased focus on more niche-topic didactic sessions that are available for free to all participants, as well as more intensive skills labs. These labs will be 3-hour sessions that are designed to provide in-depth training on a specific skill or set of skills, including small group hands-on training.

In addition to content focused on assisting physiatrists in navigating and succeeding in the changing health care environment, new content will include:

  • Leadership and personal development (examples include conflict management, becoming a change agent, negotiation skills, etc.)
  • Using technology to your advantage (examples include finding the most useful apps, tools for telemedicine, community networking, 3D printing, etc.) 

You won’t want to miss our new learning center as well. You’ll find a wide range of educational resources—from hands-on demonstration stations for practicing novel techniques to live presentations from leading experts. Small group settings will allow you to work with the new technologies available while walking through specific procedures. No registration will be required to participate in these complimentary activities, aside from the Annual Assembly registration.

Learn more about #AAPMR2017 here!