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AAPM&R Influences Letter from Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley

Mar 15, 2022

In our March 4 announcement regarding the White House National COVID-19 Preparedness Plan, we also announced that there was newly introduced legislation and attention on Capitol Hill that we endorsed in line with our Long COVID call to action. Specifically, that we are a key stakeholder informing Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley’s Long COVID efforts, including a Dear Colleague letter to support funding in the next COVID-19 relief package for Long COVID education, treatment and data collection.

On March 8, that letter was released with 24 signatures in support of this funding. We worked with Congresswoman Pressley's office on this letter and encouraged members of Congress to sign on. We are continuing to work with Congresswoman Pressley as she works to bring further attention to this dire issue in Congress.

The time is now for our government to help patients with Long COVID! Congress must come together and secure urgently needed funding to bolster our country’s healthcare infrastructure to prevent, detect and treat Long COVID with a focus on quality-care and health equity.