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Members & Publications

Together, We’ll Go Far


Member Stories

We continue to be inspired by the work you do as physiatrists. You are sharing your stories with us, of working in your communities, helping treat COVID-19 patients, innovative ideas you have started and more. We’re speaking with a variety of AAPM&R members who are making a difference in our specialty so that we can share their stories with you. Look for additional stories from your peers in future issues of The Physiatrist and our other communications.


If you have a story you’d like to share with your PM&R community, please email us at We would love to speak with you!


The Hippocratic Hosts, Drs. Lisa Varghese-Kroll and Lanre Falusi

Podcast Perspectives: A Conversation with Drs. Lisa Varghese-Kroll and Lanre Falusi

In this issue, we talked to Dr. Lisa Varghese-Kroll at Optum Physician Advisor Solutions in Washington, D.C. and Dr. Lanre Falusi at Children's National Health System in Washington, D.C. Shortly after the first wave of COVID-19, Drs. Varghese-Kroll and Falusi teamed up to combine their expertise in physiatry and pediatrics respectively. The result? Health and Home with the Hippocratic Hosts, a podcast focused on informed parenting, medical news, life-hacks and more. The following article is based on their experiences as of mid-2020.



Headshot of Dr. Gonzalez-Fernandez

Looking Back to Move Forward: An Interview with Dr. Marlis Gonzalez-Fernandez

Dr. Joseph Herrera in full PPE

Innovation and Teamwork, the Backbone of Physiatric Care: An Interview with Dr. Joseph Herrera 

Tony Lee, MD, FAAPMR

Reflections in a Post-COVID Environment: An Interview with Dr. Tony Lee

Dr. Alexandre Lavigne

PGY2 Perspective:
An Interview with Dr. Alexandre Lavigne

Dr. Daniel Ryan

Takeaways from the Frontlines:
An Interview with
Dr. Daniel Ryan

Dr. Pablo Celnik

PM&R Across the Care Continuum in Action: An Interview with Dr. Pablo Celnik

Dr. Kimberly Heckert

COVID-19 - Personal and Professional: An Interview with Dr. Kimberly Heckert

Dr. Amy West

Looking to Physiatry's Next Steps: An Interview with
Dr. Amy West

Dr. Julia Iafrate

How PM&R Answers "What Comes Next?" with COVID-19: An Interview with Dr. Julia Iafrate

Dr. Melita Moore

Representing for Team Physiatry: An Interview with
Dr. Melita Moore

Dr. Bryan Murtaugh

Life in the (NBA) Bubble: An Interview with Dr. Bryan Murtaugh

Dr. Jonathan Whiteson

The Emotional Journey of COVID-19: An Interview with
Dr. Jonathan Whiteson

Dr. Michele Arnold

Hitting the Pavement During COVID-19: An Interview with
Dr. Michele Arnold

Dr. Carla Watson

From PM&R Consults and EMGs to Treating COVID-19 Patients: An Interview with Dr. Carla Watson