AAPM&R provides endorsement for domestic educational activities that meet certain requirements. Attaining AAPM&R endorsement is a process involving the submission of certain materials to AAPM&R and an understanding of the conditions under which AAPM&R agrees to provide endorsement. AAPM&R carefully reviews all submitted materials and endorses the educational activities that meet the specific requirements.
AMSSM Sports Ultrasound Online Videos
AAPM&R, in collaboration with the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine (AMSSM), is the accredited CME provider for the AMSSM Sports Ultrasound Online Didactics videos. These 35 modules were created by the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine's Sports Ultrasound Committee to cover the didactic instructional sessions outlined in the AMSSM Recommended Sports Ultrasound Curriculum for Sports Medicine Fellowships. Each video provides a concise overview of the relevant topic. The topics are divided into introductory lectures for diagnostic and interventional sports ultrasound; live video demonstrations of regional diagnostic ultrasound examinations of the shoulder, elbow, wrist-hand, hip, knee and elbow; the sonographic appearance of relevant pathology for each region; and interventional procedures for each joint. Following each presentation, you will be directed to a post-test covering the key concepts from the video. Each test will contain 5-7 multiple choice and/or true-false questions. The minimum passing grade for the test is 70%.
You access the videos and claim CME by clicking here. If you don’t want to claim CME for this activity, you can access these videos at no charge on AMSSM’s website by clicking here.
AAPM&R is the CME provider of the mskNAV learning system, an iPad app-based software that allows health care professionals to quickly and efficiently learn musculoskeletal (MSK) ultrasound. Through step-by-step protocols, interactive labeled videos of scans, 3D peel-away anatomy, sweep-through radiology scans, patient and probe position photos, scanning techniques, and an extensive reference library, mskNAV helps busy health care professionals assess and rapidly improve their ultrasound skills anytime, anywhere.
mskNAV™ is a new paradigm in learning musculoskeletal ultrasound:
- LEARN ULTRASOUND FASTER with intuitive reference guides, scanning videos, images, 3D anatomy
- GAIN CONFIDENCE by having information at your fingertips
- DESIGNED FOR BEDSIDE USE for both you and your patient
- COMPREHENSIVE INFORMATION where you need it, when you need it
Click here to learn more about the mskNAV app full MSK body package.
AAPM&R offers endorsement for educational activities and enduring materials, which includes:
- Use of the logo on marketing materials
- A one-time use of the AAPM&R U.S. member mailing list
- Activity will be listed on the AAPM&R website under the section titled “endorsed educational activities”
- Activity will be included in an Academy e-newsletter of choice, including the Resident Physician Council
If you are interested in seeking AAPM&R endorsement of your educational activity, please email education@aapmr.org.