Stroke Patient Care

Career Support


After stroke, the best path to recovery isn’t always clear. Approximately 55% of stroke patients need additional care after their hospital stay to maximize recovery and return home. In the United States, there are several different levels of post-acute inpatient and outpatient care for people who have had a stroke.

Use the resources below to educate physicians and administrators in your system, and patients about the different levels of care and the role of a physiatrist at each level, based on current guidelines.

  • The Post-Acute Continuum for Stoke Care: A Guide for Patients and Their FamiliesDownload a high-resolution PDF, which you can provide to a professional printer and distribute in your practice. If you need a professional printer, please contact and we can suggest printers. Download a digital version of the brochure that you can share with patients and their families electronically.
  • Stroke Rehabilitation Pathways Power-Point PresentationDownload the PPT document. This presentation is designed for the physiatrist to present to peers and system administrators. Note: Each slide includes Notes to guide you in presenting the material.