7 - 8 am Breakfast
8 - 8:15 am Welcome and Introductions
8:15 - 9 am Cases on the Rehab Consult Service
9:00 – 11:15 am Rotating Session 1: Ultrasound, Pediatrics and Cancer Rehabilitation
Attendees will be divided into
small groups and rotate through the following sessions:
- Ultrasound Hands-on (3 stations - 60 minutes total)
- Pediatric Case Studies (Small group discussion – 30 minutes)
- Cancer Rehabilitation Case Studies (Small group discussion – 30 minutes)
11:20 - 11:50 am Working with Industry - A Panel Discussion
11:50 - 12:50 pm Lunch
12:50 - 2:55 pm Rotating Session 2: P&O and Spasticity
Attendees will be divided
into small groups and rotate through the following sessions:
- Prosthetics and Orthotics Demonstrations (60 minutes)
- Spasticity Hands-on (3 stations – 60 minutes total)
2:55 - 3:10 pm Break
3:10 – 4:55 pm Rotating Session 3: Concussion and Sport
Attendees will be divided
into small groups and rotate through the following sessions:
- Concussion and Traumatic Brain Injury Assessment (50 minutes)
- Sports Case Discussion (50 minutes)
5:00 – 5:30 pm The Academy and Volunteerism
6:30 – 9 pm Dinner and game night with all attendees and faculty
7 - 8 am Breakfast
8 – 9:30 am Electrodiagnostics
This session will include an
overview and introductory cases, followed by small group demonstrations.
9:30 - 9:45 am Break
9:45 – 11:50 am Rotating Session 4: Pain and Spine
Attendees will be divided into
small groups and rotate through the following sessions:
- Pain and Spine: Imaging Gamification (60 minutes)
- Demonstration: Needles (20 minutes)
- Demonstration: Neuromodulation (20 minutes)
- Pain and Spine Case Discussion (20 minutes)
11:50 - Noon Wrap-up and Adjourn