RUC and CPT Activities



AAPM&R recognizes that many members may not be familiar with how payers determine the amount they should reimburse for each service. As payment has declined in recent years, these seemingly arbitrary cuts cause frustration. We advocate for fair reimbursement by providing input to the American Medical Association’s (AMA) Relative Value Scale Update Committee (RUC), which is one of the key processes by which the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) determines how to value services.

AAPM&R’s CPT and RUC Representatives

  • Joseph Shivers, MD; AAPM&R CPT Advisor
  • Antigone Argyriou, MD; AAPM&R CPT Alternate Advisor
  • Matthew Grierson, MD; AAPM&R RUC Member
  • Clarice Sinn, DO; AAPM&R Alternate RUC Member
  • Carlo Milani, MD; AAPM&R RUC Advisor
  • David Reece, DO; AAPM&R RUC Alternate Advisor

Permanent Seat on RUC

AAPM&R is thrilled to share that effective January 16, 2021, for the first time, PM&R earned a permanent seat on the American Medical Association (AMA) Relative Value Scale Update Committee (RUC). This decision was confirmed by a two-thirds majority vote at the RUC meeting on January 16. We owe this huge victory to the outstanding efforts of the AAPM&R RUC team. Matthew Grierson, MD, FAAPMR, currently holds the PM&R seat on the RUC supported by alternate, Clarice Sinn, DO, FAAPMR.

Why the RUC Seat Matters

The RUC is one of the key processes by which the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) determines how to value services. Its recommendations to CMS can be accepted, rejected or modified. These decisions have a ripple effect throughout the private insurance market and can affect compensation. Holding a RUC Seat promotes the visibility of PM&R in the House of Medicine and also gives our specialty a voice in deliberations about the valuation of codes presented to the RUC.