Find a Fellowship Program

Career Support


Welcome to the Fellowship Program Directory, a searchable database that allows AAPM&R members to locate a PM&R fellowship program in your clinical interest. This is the largest database of its kind and dedicated solely to PM&R fellowships! You can search for programs by accreditation status, fellowship type and state/province.

"This is such an amazing resource for PM&R fellowship candidates! It ultimately serves as a database of fellowships that consider PM&R candidates, unlike other databases where you're not sure whether the fellowship listed is interested in PM&R candidates. I wish I had this resource when I went through my fellowship searches!" - Stephanie Tow, MD, Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine Fellow, University of Colorado/Children's Hospital Colorado

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Want to add or update a fellowship? Click here to submit your fellowship program if it accepts PM&R candidates. If you have changes to your existing published fellowship program listing, email at any time. Contact us at (847) 737-6000 with any questions.