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Long COVID Initiative Updates: July 14, 2021

Jul 14, 2021

AAPM&R will provide consistent updates on our advocacy outreach efforts, the Multi-Disciplinary PASC Collaborative and other relevant information on our Long COVID initiative. 

Multi-Disciplinary PASC Collaborative Update

Our collaborative continues to push forward with another victory - the manuscript on the methodology for guidance statement development has been accepted for publication! These guidance statements are intended to assist clinicians in clinical decision making by describing a range of generally acceptable approaches to the assessment and treatment of PASC - learn more about the methodology

We have other statements in place that are undergoing review for publication (fatigue and cognitive impairment & breathing). Yesterday's call focused on new clinical areas for guidance development for cardiac autonomic issues. We also discussed ways to expand work to share stories from the collaborative clinics and address health equity issues among the PASC population. In addition, we are continuing to meet with federal offices to discuss our Call to Action and more specific policy proposals on Long COVID.