Acumen, a Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) contractor, is accepting nominations for a Rheumatoid Arthritis Clinician Expert Workgroup that will work to develop recommendations regarding a chronic condition episode-based cost measure. Acumen has been facilitating the CMS cost measure development process for several years and AAPM&R has participated in all four previous cost measure development waves. Measures developed as a part of this process are incorporated into the cost component of the Merit Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS).
Detailed information about this opportunity is available on the CMS website. Volunteers will participate in 3 virtual meetings, the first of which is anticipated to take place in July or August 2022 and the last is expected to take place in March or April 2023. Members interested in volunteering for this workgroup are encouraged to email the Academy at by Wednesday June 29.