Dec 21, 2017, 13:04 PM
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Ready to sign in to the Quality Payment Program for Performance Year 2017?
Good news! You can now:
- Use your Enterprise Identity Management (EIDM) credentials to sign in to the Quality Payment Program.
- Verify your account information. If needed, update your account information in the CMS Enterprise Portal.
Sign in to the Quality Payment Program to report data when the submission window opens on January 2, 2018.
The CMS Web Interface submission window opens on January 22, 2018.
For questions or problems signing in to the Quality Payment Program:
Interested in Quality Payment Program usability evaluations?
CMS is looking for Medicare clinicians, practice managers, administrative staff, or EHR and Registry vendors, to participate in user research activities to validate current and future Quality Payment Program website functionality. We value your suggestions and recommendations. If you’re interested in any upcoming user studies, please email