Jan 26, 2024, 09:59 AM
Joy Thissen
As AAPM&R previously shared, the American Medical Association is in the process of conducting a Physician Practice Information (PPI) Survey of thousands of medical practices. The survey has been sent to a sample of practice and not everyone will receive a copy. A reminder about this survey went out to practices on Thursday January 25. It is critically important that practices that receive this survey complete it accurately and in a timely fashion as the results will directly impact payment.
Please ask your practice administrator(s) to look for an email from PPISurvey@mathmatica-mpr.com with the subject line “Reminder: The AMA needs your input to support fair and accurate physician payment.” If your practice received a survey, please encourage staff to complete the survey as soon as possible. If you have any questions about the PPI survey, please contact healthpolicy@aapmr.org.