Virtual Mentoring Registration

Career Support


To register and be matched, complete a profile on MentorCity, software that provides an online communications platform. Matching will be based on specialized skills/development areas, areas of care, practice settings, and competencies.  

Once matched, the mentor and protégé can expect a formal program duration of 12 months, a one-on-one relationship, confidentiality, automated email reminders to help keep the relationship on track, and resources to maximize the relationship. 

Agreement of mentor and protégé

By completing a mentoring profile, the participant indicates his or her agreement with the following terms and conditions:

  1. The participant agrees to make a good faith effort to comply with the performance objectives and suggestions outlined in the program goals. Failure to do so may jeopardize the individual’s continued participation in the program.
  2. The participant acknowledges that his or her conduct as a mentor or protégé is subject to the AAPM&R code of conduct.
  3. The participant agrees that AAPM&R makes no representation or warranty regarding the nature or quality of the advice that the participant may receive from other participants in the program and that AAPM&R shall have no liability for any act of any participant in the program or for any claim related to AAPM&R’s administration of the program.
  4. The participant acknowledges that this program is not to be used for recruitment purposes.


Have questions? Email View this MentorCity Quick Reference Guide to learn more about creating your MentorCity profite.