The American Medical Association (AMA) and 104 medical specialty and state societies, including AAPM&R, sent a letter to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) requesting that physicians be permitted to continue using their current EHR version though at least 2018.
Under the Quality Payment Program (QPP) and Meaningful Use (MU), physicians must upgrade or purchase 2015 Edition EHRs to participate. Many EHR vendors have yet to make their new products available and physicians who have upgraded were charged significant fees by their vendors.
The AMA has been a vocal proponent for reducing the physician burden caused by EHRs and is concerned CMS' current EHR requirement will result in rushed upgrades, installations, a lack of user training and an overall disruption to physicians' practices. Physicians should identify their own 2015 Edition-rollout timeline independent of federal regulation.
Learn more about how AAPM&R advocates for the specialty.