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AAPM&R to US News and World Report: Delay the Rehab Hospital Ranking Methodology Change

Dec 16, 2019

In early 2019, US News & World Report reached out to the Academy for our input on the criteria used in their ranking of the top rehabilitation hospitals in the United States. Our Evidence, Quality, and Performance Committee (EQPC) reviewed their criteria and conducted a survey for Academy members. Our final recommendation was submitted in late November. 

Click here to read the entirety of our recommendation.

We are of the mind that this criteria change should be delayed as the new criteria relies on CMS data that is currently undergoing significant changes; the qualifications and credentials of the physicians in the roles of Medical Director of Rehabilitation and Rehabilitation Physician should be considered; the average Case Mix Index or Severity Index to the IRF measures need to be factored in; and measures used should be reviewed annually as they can change within a given year. 

Overall, patient safety and quality care should be the number one priority. We appreciate the opportunity to provide the physiatric perspective to this process. While we strongly urge for the delay of criteria change, institution and implementation are under the purview of US News & World Report