OIG Announces Addition of Remote Patient Monitoring to Current Work Plan

Members & Publications


April 19, 2023

In April, the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) announced the addition of Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) Services to its ongoing Work Plan.  The announcement highlights that RPM use “has the potential to exponentially expand.”  The OIG will be reviewing both Medicare fee-for-service claims as well as Medicare Advantage data to consider how these services are used and to what extent they may be billed for fraudulently.  The OIG has not announced a specific date when a report on this review will be available, but it will be in 2024.  Members with questions on this topic can contact Academy staff at healthpolicy@aapmr.org.  

Legislation Introduced to Alleviate Impact of Conversion Factor Cut for 2021

Nov 09, 2020

Last month, two bills were introduced in the House proposing solutions to the estimated 10.6% Physician Fee Schedule conversion factor cut expected to go into effect January 1, 2021.  The bills offer some relief to the cut, but do not reflect a comprehensive or long-term solution.  AAPM&R has therefore chosen to remain neutral regarding these bills. 

Your Academy continues to advocate for a permanent solution to the conversion factor cut while maintaining the important payment increases to office and outpatient evaluation and management services.