Drs. Greenwald, McCarthy and Silver: In the News, March 10, 2021
It’s OK Not to Be OK: Physician Burnout and Mental Health Webinar
CMS Contractor CGS to Host March 12 Webinar Highlighting New Facet Joint Injection LCD
Drs. Shah and Bartels: In the News, March 3, 2021
2020 MIPS Extreme and Uncontrollable Circumstances Exception Applications Due March 31, 2021
Drs. Baxi and Bell: In the News, February 24, 2021
OIG Releases Facet-Joint Injection Audit Results
AAPM&R’s Biologics Commitment and Complimentary Access to Educational Resources
Drs. Bunnell, Ikramuddin and Wilder: In the News, February 17, 2021
Attend Our March 4 Webinar: AAPM&R Advocacy - Advancing PM&R on Capitol Hill and Beyond
AAPM&R Comments to CMS on Wave 4 Cost Measures
VA Seeking Nominations for the Veterans' Rehabilitation Advisory Committee—Submit by February 8
Attend our February 10 Webinar: Paycheck Protection Program Loans, Round 2
Advocacy Win for PM&R: 1,000 New GME Positions in Medicare-Covered Spaces
Dr. Bunnell Discusses His Post-COVID Rehabilitation and Recovery Clinic: In the News, January 27, 2021
Attend Our March 3 Webinar: 2021 MIPS Reporting
Call For #AAPMR21 Proposals and Abstracts
Dr. Verduzco-Gutierrez Discusses the Long-Term Effects in COVID-19 Patients: In the News, January 20, 2021
AAPM&R Advocacy Win: New CMS Rule Reduces Burden Associated with Prior Authorization
BREAKING: PM&R Earns a Permanent Seat on the RUC