
Physiatrist Resource Center

Members & Publications


In-Depth Resources for Physiatrists

We are supporting members by creating timely, needed resources, collaborating across health care and highlighting the best education and news that is applicable to you and your PM&R practice right now. As the primary medical specialty society for physical medicine and rehabilitation, this is your place for resources to help you today.

AAPM&R members: Even more resources are being shared between physiatrists in our Care in the Time of COVID-19 member forum on PhyzForum. Exchange important dialogue about your challenges, ask your questions and concerns as well as share resources with each other.

If you can't find what you need or would like additional support, we're here to help. Contact us at (847) 737-6000 or email

Webinar Recordings

Members: 20+ COVID-19 specific webinar recordings are now available for you to access. Thank you to our panelists and participants!

View all COVID-19 Webinars.

From the AAPM&R Board of Governors

"Our country is in the midst of a medical pandemic. The AAPM&R (Academy), including its volunteer leaders and staff, have enormous empathy for our members, their patients, and families as COVID-19 has disrupted every aspect of our personal and professional lives. Together, we need to find the resilience to persevere for our personal and our patients’ health and well-being. Together, we need to find the resilience to persevere for our personal and our patients’ health and well-being.”  Read the full statement here.

Stay Up-to-Date

Long COVID Initiative Updates: August 25, 2021

Aug 25, 2021, 15:20 PM by User Not Found

AAPM&R will provide consistent updates on our advocacy outreach efforts, the Multi-Disciplinary PASC Collaborative and other relevant information on our Long COVID initiative. 

AAPM&R Releases First Long COVID Dashboard

On August 24, we launched the first dashboard that shows how many millions of Americans are estimated to be experiencing Long COVID symptoms by state, county and nationally. The dashboard is based on data from Johns Hopkins University CSSE COVID-19 data and the U.S. census, and includes state and county level statistics and trends over time for the Post-Acute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 (PASC or Long COVID) infection. Our dashboard also has options for estimating the number of Long COVID cases based on different assumptions and percentages. View the full announcement here and explore the dashboard

We are also hosting a webinar on September 1 for our "Multi-Disciplinary Collaborative Consensus Guidance Statement on the Assessment and Treatment of Fatigue in Post-Acute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection (PASC) Patients." Register now to learn more about this guidance and hear from our faculty.

AAPM&R Supports H.R. 3021: The Coronavirus Provider Protection Act

Representatives Luis Correa (D-CA) and Michael Burgess, MD (R-TX) recently introduced H.R. 3021, the Coronavirus Provider Protection Act, to provide uniform liability protection to medical professionals and facilities on the front lines of the pandemic. Last year, we actively advocated for enactment of the Coronavirus Provider Protection Act (H.R. 7059 in the 116th Congress). This bill aimed to protect physicians and all healthcare providers from medical liability associated with care related to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency. Please take a moment to send a customizable email to your Congressional Representatives, urging their co-sponsorship of H.R. 3021 to provide critical federal liability protections to physicians and all healthcare providers and facilities. Learn more.