Spring 2024

Members & Publications


How Residents from a Unionized Residency Advocate for Themselves



   Kelsey Crowell, DO
   University of Michigan Health System PM&R Program


As a current PM&R resident employed at an institution with a unionized residency, advocating for myself and my colleagues is done with ease. I completed my intern year and medical school clinicals at hospitals without a union for their residents, and the differences I have observed have been stark. 

The University of Michigan House Officers Association (HOA) has been established since the 1970s. For all house officers at Michigan Medicine, the HOA provides collective bargaining to ensure fair compensation. Our contract is negotiated every three years with input from all house officers via surveys to determine what is most important to us as a collective prior to any contract finalization. They also provide protection from unsafe work conditions, support for our educational needs and due process for all interactions between house officers and any influential body. In addition to this we are offered financial assistance resources, notarization services, a mental health program, lactation spaces, a lounge space, cell phone stipend and discounts at numerous local companies. Within the lounge there is a union representative present during business hours to streamline any communication between the union and house officers in need. 

During a recent hospital location transition within our PM&R department, we requested involvement of the HOA for advocacy of our resident's needs. The HOA followed through in every aspect and was able to ensure proper and consistent benefits for our residents regardless of the transition to another hospital location.

The solidarity and empowerment that has been cultivated between residents within our union allows for continued positive change within our institution, both institution wide and within our own department. My training experience has only been enhanced by being a part of the HOA, and I am incredibly grateful to be training in a program with this level of advocacy opportunity.