Dec 13, 2016, 10:14 AM
Grace Whittington
If you serve patients requiring Lower Limb Prosthesis (LLP), or have expertise in this area, please consider responding to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) proposed key questions for systematic review.
The Evidence-Based Practice Center (EPC) Program at AHRQ is reviewing evidence that defines practices, evaluates the association between assessment techniques, tools and functional measures used in the care of beneficiaries who require LLP, and the associations between LLP (components) and patient-centered outcomes, including patient expectations regarding expectations, satisfaction with accessing LLPs, and use (or nonuse) of the prostheses.
Your input is crucial, as this review has the potential to impact future Local Coverage Determinations (LCDs) for Lower Limb Prosthesis. Please respond to the proposed key questions by December 20, 2016.