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Alabama PT Direct Access Bill Defeated in Committee

Apr 22, 2019, 13:57 PM by User Not Found

Thanks to physician advocacy efforts, Alabama Senate Bill 25—legislation granting patients direct access to physical therapists—was defeated in committee on April 16, 2019, by a vote of 2-8. AAPM&R opposed Senate Bill 25 and House Bill 50, as they would remove the need for a medical diagnosis before PT is administered, which could be dangerous and costly to patients.

On March 8, 2019, the AAPM&R State Advocacy Subcommittee (SAS) committee sent letters to the Alabama (AL) Senate Health Committee and House Insurance Committee in opposition to SB 25 and HB 50. AAPM&R also collaborated with the Medical Association of the State of Alabama to send an advocacy alert to members in AL asking that they also send a grassroots message voicing concern for the bill.

We sincerely appreciate the efforts of those who took the time to participate in the advocacy campaign and contact their legislator.