Stay informed about current Academy activities and news by clicking on the links below.
Dr. Bunnell Discusses His Post-COVID Rehabilitation and Recovery Clinic: In the News, January 27, 2021
Read The Full Article
Attend Our March 3 Webinar: 2021 MIPS Reporting
Call For #AAPMR21 Proposals and Abstracts
Dr. Verduzco-Gutierrez Discusses the Long-Term Effects in COVID-19 Patients: In the News, January 20, 2021
Attend Our February 11 Webinar: Unpacking the Anti-Kickback and Stark Reforms
Dr. Elkins Joins the Cobre Valley Regional Medical Center Team: In the News, January 13, 2021
AAPM&R Comments on VA Interim Final Rule, Authority of VA Professionals to Practice Health Care
Drs. Fredericson and Zuziak: In the News, January 6, 2021
Drs. Blauwet, Silver, Verduzco‐Gutierrez, Capizzi, Bean, Zafonte, Odonkor and Bosques-Mendez: In the News, December 23, 2020
Prepare for the New Year: Watch ‘E/M in 2021 – Tips and Tricks for Coding and Documentation Under the New Guidelines’
Drs. Fredericson, Hagan, Jayaram, Restrepo, Tekmyster and Vuong: In the News, December 16, 2020
Drs. Krabak, Tenforde, Cianca, Fredericson, Harrast, Kraus, McCarthy and Papuchis: In the News, December 9, 2020
Introducing Our #AAPMR21 Walter J. Zeiter Lecture Recipient
Dr. Edge Shares Her Patient's Rehabilitation Journey: In the News, December 2, 2020
AAPM&R Partners on Response to Draft Facet LCDs
AAPM&R Delegates Advocate for Patients and Physicians at the 2020 Special Meeting of the AMA HOD Meeting
Congratulations to Our 25-Year Members
Drs. Mayer and Scollon-Grieve: In the News, October 14, 2020
Drs. Nichols and Tracy: In the News, October 28, 2020
Congratulations to Drs. Joseph Burris, Michael Mallow, and James McDeavitt