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Drs. Finnoff, Gay, and Silver: In the News, May 20, 2020
Advocacy Open Forum: FY 2021 CMS IRF Proposed Rule
Drs. Esquenazi and Gittler: In the News, May 13, 2020
New PM&R Journal App Now Available!
Dr. Migliore Shares Her Perspective on Esports Wellness: In the News, May 6, 2020
AAPM&R Urges States to Provide Greater Medical Liability Protection to Physicians Providing Care During COVID-19
Drs. Dugan and Gittler: In the News, April 22, 2020
Just Released: Pain Management Best Practices from Multi-Specialty Organizations During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Public Health Crisis Manuscript
AAPM&R Advocates for Additional Financial Assistance for Physicians
AAPM&R Advocates for PAPE Waiver to Help Relieve Physiatrists
AAPM&R Position Statement on the Necessity and Preservation of Personal Protective Equipment
NEW: Two AAPM&R Webinars Next Week on Navigating the COVID-19 Crisis
AAPM&R Advocates for 3-Hour Rule Waiver; Act Signed Into Law
Breaking: AAPM&R Supports Stimulus Package to Aid and Protect Physicians and Patients
COVID-19 Statement from the AAPM&R Board of Governors
Dr. Powell Named Interim Chair at the University of Alabama: In the News, March 4, 2020
Drs. Braza and Sandel: In the News, March 11, 2020
How AAPM&R Is Planning in Light of COVID-19—Your Safety is Our Utmost Concern
AAPM&R Meets with CMS to Discuss Inpatient Claims Denials and Resident Physician Activities in IRFs