Physiatrists are well qualified to address not only bundled payments, but also multiple other types of models envisioned under the Affordable Healthcare Act. As Peter Esselman, MD, chair of the Quality, Payment, Practice, and Reimbursement (QPPR) Committee and co-chair of the Innovative Payment and Practice Models (IPPM) Work Group notes, “Physiatrists have the training and expertise to play a critical role in the transformation of health care to a value based model. Our focus on improving function and quality of life is an important component of value in an alternative payment and practice model. We have to explore and develop opportunities for physiatrists at the national, regional, and local levels to define and solidify our role in the changing health care environment.”
Analyzing trends in the demand for our specialty should be a key factor in assessing our strengths and weaknesses...
Read the full article in your February issue of The Physiatrist!