Members in the News

Members & Publications


Each week in Connection, your Academy highlights press coverage and advocacy efforts of our members. Using Google Alerts and notifications received directly from members, we compile the stories and share them with your peers.

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AAPM&R Statement on Indiana Tragedy

Jul 31, 2017

All of us at AAPM&R are terribly saddened to hear the tragic news out of Indiana, with the murder of a physiatrist, Todd Graham. Our deepest heartfelt condolences and sympathy go out to his family, friends, and colleagues. Every account shows him to have been a warm, caring, and excellent physician. We hope all thoughts of everyone who knew Todd will now be those of loving and cherished memories.

Dr. Graham was killed in the context of practicing medicine in an entirely ethical and honorable manner, in particular as pertains to the prescription of opioid medications for a patient with chronic pain. From what is being reported, his advice and treatment were fully in that patient’s best medical interest. The Academy has a stated policy on opioid use and prescription, and we were already about to undertake an updated look at that. This terrible episode has caused us to accelerate that process, with input from you (as already seen on PhyzForum), QPPR, Councils, and others. For now, though, please join us in extending our thoughts and prayers to all who knew Dr. Graham.