Members in the News

Members & Publications


Each week in Connection, your Academy highlights press coverage and advocacy efforts of our members. Using Google Alerts and notifications received directly from members, we compile the stories and share them with your peers.

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Drs. Annaswamy and Friedly: In the News, February 23, 2022

Feb 24, 2022
  • Thiru Annaswamy, MD, MA, FAAPMR, professor in the department of PM&R at UT Southwestern Medical Center and AAPM&R's Strategic Coordinating Committee Chair of the Quality, Practice, Policy and Research Committee, has been named the new chair for the department of PM&R at Penn State College of Medicine effective September 1, 2022.
  • Janna Friedly, MD, MPH, FAAPMR, medical director of the University of Washington Medicine’s post-COVID-19 Rehabilitation and Recovery clinic, discusses Long COVID and the Academy’s PASC Dashboard in this article, “Seattle woman grapples with Long COVID as 20M in US also cope with chronic illness.” Read more.