AAPM&R Advocacy, Healthcare Collaborations and Partnerships and Customized Resources to Support PM&R During This Crisis



AAPM&R Advocacy

As the primary medical society representing Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, your Academy is working to ensure PM&R is part of the national conversation about healthcare amidst COVID-19 and advocating for the federal support, legislation, regulation relief and resources that physiatrists need now. One way we are doing this is through our partnerships and collaborations with other specialty societies. The Academy continuously works to represent PM&R through these collaborations and it is through these partnerships that we are able to discuss and share a variety of resources with you that you critically need:

“As we navigate this unprecedented and evolving pandemic, we know we don't have all the answers or a roadmap, but, we do have each other. I speak for the Academy when I say we know that your concerns and needs are changing almost more quickly than anyone can keep track of, and we want to do our best to help you connect with each other to share your challenges and triumphs, your questions and quandaries. To do this, our Academy is realigning its resources with our new realities and priorities to best support you.” Michelle Gittler, MD, FAAPMR, AAPM&R President

AAPM&R Resources

In efforts to help support our membership at large, the Academy developed timely educational resources to support you during this crisis. These resources, based on member feedback, include webinars, slide lectures and interviews on topics such as lessons learned from other members, telemedicine and more:

For Your Practice:


AAPM&R's webinar series helps physiatrists connect and learn from each other on relevant topics, including how to adapt to using telehealth in one’s practice, how those in private practice are planning to address the financial impacts of the pandemic and more.

View past webinar recordings here.

Online Education: 

  • We currently have education from a session recorded at the 2019 Annual Assembly, which offers insights into how to apply telemedicine to PM&R patients (please note that several regulatory and reimbursement changes have occurred in recent weeks as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic). We have the Telehealth for PM&R: Benefits and Challenges section available.
  • Use of Telehealth/Telemedicine Under the COVID-19 Pandemic
    Originally recorded April 5, 2020

    Cindy Moon, MPP, MPH, from Hart Health Strategies, provides an overview of telehealth/telemedicine, coverage, flexibilities, and a deeper dive into policy changes, as it relates to physicians and other professionals. In her webinar, she references a guide to links, which can be found here.

Member Forum: 

PhyzForum is an AAPM&R member benefit. Even more resources are being shared between physiatrists in our Care in the Time of COVID-19 member forum. Exchange important dialogue about your challenges, ask your questions and concerns as well as share resources with each other.

Our Mission and Vision

Our mission and vision have not changed in this time and are as necessary as ever.  

Our Mission: AAPM&R leads the advancement of physiatry’s impact throughout health care.

Our Vision: AAPM&R will ensure that:

Physiatrists are the essential medical experts in value-based evaluation, diagnosis, and management of neuromusculoskeletal and disabling conditions.

Physiatrists are indispensable leaders in directing rehabilitation and recovery, and in preventing injury and disease.

Physiatrists are vital in optimizing outcomes and function early and throughout the continuum of patient care.

As a physiatrist, you are essential, indispensable, and vital in health care as you work to support your patients through this pandemic. As your Academy, we recognize your importance and want to empower you as a physician on the frontlines. That's why we are endlessly working to provide you with the resources and connections you need to work through these challenging times. We are here for you and together, we will break through.